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技術翻訳プロフェッショナル講座 「翻訳の真髄」

41 本格的な画像通信サービスの到来 和文英訳


日本においては、将来の本格的な画像通信サービスの到来に備えて、既によく知られているように、CAPTAIN (Character and Pattern Telephone Access Information Network) システムが開発された。

【解 説】
・ 電気通信サービス:
 telecommunication service

・ 多様化:
 become versatile and diversified

・ 実験の段階にある:
 be in the experimental stage (「実験」と「試行」とは概念的にはより密接であるため、訳文中では be in the experimental and test-run stage としました)。

・ 本格的な:
 full-scale, regular

・ 画像通信サービス:
 visual communication service

・ ~の到来に備えて:
 in anticipation of the advent of ~


[直 訳]
With the diversification of telecommunication service, various new services have appeared. Some are still in the experimental stage or in trial/commercial service. Especially, visual communication services, facsimile in the beginning, are being researched and developed.

In Japan, as is well known, the Character and Pattern Telephone Access Information Network (CAPTAIN) system was developed in preparation for the coming regular visual communication service age.




Some are still in the experimental stage or in trial/commercial service.



Some of them are in the experimental, or test-run stage, and others are already in commercial service.


【訳 文】
Telecommunication service has become versatile and diversified, and various new services have recently appeared. Some of them are still in the experimental, or test-run stage, and others are already in commercial service. Facsimile and other visual communication media are undergoing further research and development.

In Japan, the well-known Character and Pattern Telephone Access Information Network (CAPTAIN) system has been prepared in anticipation of the advent of the age of regular visual communication service.